The Millennial Debate
Many of you are familiar with Simon Sinek and his famous Ted Talks “Golden Circle” or as it is officially titled, How Great Leaders Inspire Action. I have used this video and belief system (which is based on truly knowing your “why”) many times as a foundation to inspire others and ignite conversations related to helping people find fulfillment and purpose.
When Simon-Sinek published the talk The Millennial Question, I thought WOW – spot on and as always, eloquently and concisely spoken. The core message in this talk is that while each generation has always in some way disparaged the previous generation, the negativity focused on #millennials is somewhat misplaced and some responsibility for the behaviors exhibited are…you guessed it, related to environment and parenting styles that enable the most stereotyped behaviors of this group.
I was ready to simply share the talk and urge my 1300 followers on LinkedIn to watch the video (Seriously you really should watch the video).
Then I found this – Why Millennials Can’t Stand Simon Sinek’s Viral Interview on Millennials, an article written by Crystal Kadakia for the Huffington Post as a counter argument to Sineks position on the topic.
This is a very well written article and has several counter points to Sineks talk. These positions are somewhat rooted in the premise that it is very difficult for a #nondigitalnative to really understand a #Millennial.
I think both of these pieces are insightful and if nothing else, ignites a purposeful and informed conversation about the world in which we live today.
Understanding others perspective, the environment and culture in which they were raised – or work within, can lead to a more fulfilling life and successful career filled with various #multigenerational and #multicultural belief systems.
If you have thoughts about this post, please leave comments or contact me here.
I love reading through an article that can make men and women think. Nina Humberto Daryl