Dave Miller

All posts by dave_miller

Business Leader, Change Agent and Certified Life Coach Committed to Helping Individuals and Organizations Realize Their Full Potential. @whoisDaveMiller

The Reason Your Organization Is Underperforming? A Lack of Clarity…

Inc. recently published an article about how to better communicate with your team…placing an emphasis on clarity. The article was written by Rebecca Hinds, a self-proclaimed “organizational physician” and Data-driven storyteller. Follow the link above for the article – it is well written and focuses on three primary areas on interest – establishing connectivity, being […]

5 Phrases to Use More Often in 2022

Inc, just published an article “5 Phrases to Use More Often in 2022“, written by Katie burke, Chief People Officer at Hubspot. It’s like Stephen Covey’s #7habitsofhighlyeffectivepeople …you can debate all day about which one is the best or most important (my personal favorite is habit 7: Sharpen the Saw®), but at the end of […]

Its What’s Inside

I was recently in Louisville Kentucky on business and had the opportunity to stop in at Angles Envy Distillery. I don’t know whats more impressive, the Architecture or the “oh so smooth” Kentucky Bourbon. Great care and detail were taken from the ground up – location, the structure, the sweet elixir itself and the bottle […]

Hard Conversations

Hard Conversations

I have had several “hard conversations” with employees in my career. Staying ahead of the situation, maintaining a level head and treating the employee with respect and empathy goes a long way toward obtaining the best possible outcome. Andrew Griffiths wrote a great article on this topic which I found insightful and thought I would share. […]


Community. What does that mean to you? Most might associate the word with their neighborhood – where they live. My wife and I are fortunate to live in a nice community in Alexandria, VA called Delray. We chose to live here because of the way it makes us feel. We live just a few miles […]