Category Archives: Uncategorized
The Reason Your Organization Is Underperforming? A Lack of Clarity…
Inc. recently published an article about how to better communicate with your team…placing an emphasis on clarity. The article was written by Rebecca Hinds, a self-proclaimed “organizational physician” and Data-driven storyteller. Follow the link above for the article – it is well written and focuses on three primary areas on interest – establishing connectivity, being […]
5 Phrases to Use More Often in 2022
Inc, just published an article “5 Phrases to Use More Often in 2022“, written by Katie burke, Chief People Officer at Hubspot. It’s like Stephen Covey’s #7habitsofhighlyeffectivepeople …you can debate all day about which one is the best or most important (my personal favorite is habit 7: Sharpen the Saw®), but at the end of […]